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WJWC condemns crime of murdering Yemeni student in Cairo

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the crime of murdering a Yemeni student Muna Miftahat her apartment in the area of al-Maneel of the Egyptian capital, Cairo on June 24, 2016.

WJWC condemns execution of seven civilian in Ibb

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) vividly condemns the crime of executing seven civilians in al-Naderah district of Ibb governorate by militias of the Houthis and Saleh on June 22, 2016.

WJWC condemns assaults by Houthis against mothers of detainees

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly denounces the assaults carried out by militias of the Houthis against mothers of detainees while they were protesting in front of the Political Security Apparatus's prison, demanding to release their sons.

WJWC condemns murder of journalist Azizan

Women Journalists Without Chains denounces the murder of the journalist Abdullah Azizan, the correspondent of Marib Press news website. Azizan was killed while he was covering the battle in Baihan district of Shabwah governorate.

WJWC demands to swiftly release detained journalists by Houthis

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses deep sorrow over physical and mental torture practiced by the Houthis in Sana'a City against journalists and preventing their families from visiting them.

WJWC condemns detention of Aljazeera Channel's correspondent

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) is following up the abduction ofthe correspondents of Aljazeera Channel Hamdi al-Bukari and al-Masdar Online Abdul-Aziz al-Sabri and their driver Muneer Abbass while they were covering the war in Taiz City. Their fate is still unknown so far.

WJWC: Houthis' atrocities against Taiz residents gross war crimes

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) is following with extremely deep concern the gross violations of human rights perpetrated by the Houthi militias and pro-Saleh troops against civilians in Taiz, which include killings, displacement and demolition of civilian homes.

WJWC condemns Houthis’ arrest of five academics

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly denounced the Houthi militia for breaking into Sana’a University , assaulting academics and students , and arresting five professors, including Dr. Mohammed Al-Dhahiri, chairman of the University’s teaching staff syndicate.

WJWC decries Houthi systemic violence against protesters

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns violence, detentions and abductions practiced by Houthi militias against peaceful protesters on a daily basis.

WJWC expresses disapproval of hysteric detentions made against journalists, activists

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly denounces the hysteric detentions carried out by the Houthi Movement against journalists and youth activists who refuse the Houthi takeover on the state institutions. 

WJWC condemns storming into AkhbarAlyawam, seizure of editors

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the storming into AkhbarAlyawam newspaper, seizure of its staff and ransacking its equipment and contents. 

WJWC condemns assault onSuhail's crew

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) denounces the abduction of Suhail TV reporter Kamal Jamal and its cameraman Yahya al-Awar while performing their journalism mission on Tuesday, February 02, 2016. 

WJWC condemns siege of advocate al-Anisi's house

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly condemns the siege of the advocate Khalid al-Anisi's house by Houthi militias in Sana'a city for the second day. 
