The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly condemns the assault on journalist Noman Al-Asbahi and his detention without legal justification at the hands of security personnel in the al-Shamaitain District in Taiz Governorate, which constitutes a violation of the right to expression and an abuse of power.
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The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the threats against journalist Fouad Mus’ed, and arbitrary measures taken to prevent him and some other colleagues from being interviewed by satellite channels' broadcasting offices located in the Aden city under the control of the southern transitional council's militias.
The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the physical and psychological torture of journalist Ahmed Maher and forcing him by the forces of the southern transitional council (STC) in Aden to confess through torture, and stresses that his videotaped confession is only evidence against his jailers.
The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the threat of Dhahi Khalfan, the former Dubai police chief, to journalist Muhammad Abdul Malik by sharing - on his Twitter account - posts including his name and photo and demands for more information about him.
The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly condemns the illegal imprisonment of journalist Mishaal Al-Khubaji and the seizure of his personal mobile by order of the judge of Sira’s first instance in Aden Governorate on August 18, 2022 for reasons related to freedom of expression.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns in the strongest terms the aggressive action against the headquarters of Al-Shamoua & Akhbar Al-Youm Newspaper Foundation and the home of its director general Saif Al-Hadhri in Yemen’s interim capital Aden on November 11, 2017.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) strongly condemns abduction and enforced disappearance of Mohammed Abdel Salam Karman, Omar Yassin Abdel Aziz and Abdel Rahman Kahla by security forces loyal to Houthi-Saleh militia.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) voices deep concern after ten Yemeni journalists abducted by the Houthi militia were transferred to the Specialized Criminal Court in Yemen’s militia-held capital Sana’a on Wednesday in preparation for their trial.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has congratulated journalist Afrah Nasser on 2017 International Press Freedom Prize.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) received a report from journalist Ahmed al-Suhaibi working for Yemen Monitor news website in Taiz province, that he was threatened with physical liquidation via SMS on July 17, 2017.
A total of 115 attacks and other hostile acts were committed against journalists in the first half of 2017 simply for doing their jobs, according to the semi-annual report compiled by Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC), the pro-journalist non-governmental organization in Yemen.
WJWC calls for international committee to investigate human rights violations in Aden and Hadhramaut
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses its deep concern over human rights violations committed in the Yemeni provinces of Aden and Hadhramaut, where dozens of people, including children, have been arbitrarily detained, forcibly disappeared, tortured, and abused in secret network of prisons run by the United Arab Emirates and Yemeni proxy forces.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns in the strongest possible terms the crime the Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Saleh committed today when they fired a mortar shell at a gathering of journalists while covering battles in areas to the east of Taiz province, resulting in the killing of photojournalists Wael al-Absi and Taqi al-Din al-Huthaifi and the media activist Sa’ad al-Nidhari, the amputation of the leg of Walid al-Qadasi and the injury of Salah al-Din al-Wahbani; all of them have been working for local media.