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WJWC condemns detention of Fuad al-Hamdani

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) denounces the hysteric detention campaign and vicious attacks used by Houthi militias against journalists and activists who oppose the Houthi takeover on the state institutions, and demand their withdrawal from cities. 

WJWC decries mounting attacks on journalists

Women Journalists without Chains (WJWC) has followed up with concern repeated violations and attacks made against freedom of expression in Yemen. It says that future of expression freedom in Yemen is at risk as number of reported attacks committed during one-month period is shocking.

WJWC condemns Houthi attacks on oppositionists

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has condemned vicious attacks committed by Houthis against peaceful protesters who oppose the Houthi coup in Sana'a City. 

WJWC expresses disapproval of assault, abduction of 13 journalists

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has expressed disapproval of the attacks against reporters, journalists and cameramen working for local and international media outlets when covering student protests against the Houthi militias' coup. 

WJWC expresses concern over Houthi takeover on state institutions

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses deep concern over the takeover on the Yemeni state by the Houthi militias and using force to control the Presidential Palace and the Republican Palace. 

WJWC denounces violations made against Sky News correspondent

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the seizure and interrogation of Sky News correspondent Mohammed al-Qadhi and cameraman Mohammed Salam by Houthi militias nearby the Yemeni cabinet. 

WJWC condemns murder of American Journalist in Yemen

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the murder of the American Journalist Luke Somers on Saturday in Shabwah governorate. 

WJWC condemns continuing attacks on journalists

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses deep concern over the violations and attacks committed against journalists and media practitioners. The violations have sharply increased during the few last days. 

WJWC condemns assassination of Islah party's leader

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the assassination of Assistant Secretary General of the Islah party's branch in Taiz Mansour al-Haidari. 

WJWC condemns attack on Al-Hurah TV's cameraman

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the attack on the cameraman of Alhurah TV's Mohammed Eidhah who was beaten by guards of the General People's Congress's Permanent Committee with rifle's butts. 

WJWC strongly denounces assassination of Dr. al-Mutawkil

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the terrorist assassination committed against Dr. Mohammed Abdul-Malik al-Mutawkil yesterday, Sunday, in Sana'a City. 

WJWC condemns attack on correspondent of Aljazeera

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) denounces the attack on the Journalist Hamdi al-Bukari's car.

WJWC condemns attack on journalist Bajash

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the assault on the managing editor of News Yemen website Abdul-SatarBajash in Sana'a City. 
