WJWC condemns arrest of Egyptian journalist Manal Ajrama and calls for her immediate release
At a time when the regime in Egypt is seeking a better image before the world by hosting global events like the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) from 6-18 November, its authorities have arrested the 61-year-old journalist Manal Ajrama, stated WJWC.
Journalist Mana Ajram, the deputy editor of Radio and Television Magazine, was arrested and taken to a police station after the Egyptian security forces raided her home in New Cairo and prevented her from having access to her own cell phone on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.
While Egypt’s relevant authorities have mentioned nothing about the reason for the arrest, Ajrama was believed to have been detained for sharing Facebook posts criticizing the regime of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.
The Egyptian authorities should immediately and unconditionally release Ajrama and stop going after dissenting voices for exercising their natural right to freedom of opinion and expression protected under international laws and covenants, demanded the WJWC.
Ajrama’s detention comes as human rights defenders and bloggers are subject to increased crackdown for their calls for a demonstration on November 11.
The Women Journalists Without Chains has expressed shock over the international community’s negative position on the widespread repression against journalists and freedom of opinion and expression in Egypt, and on its continued support for the Egyptian regime to host global events through which it seeks only to burnish its image.
The climate for freedom of opinion and expression in Egypt, the WJWC continued, is totally destroyed, and yet the ruling regime continues to send messages confirming its intention to suppress any criticism, no matter how simple.
According to Egyptian journalists, journalist Ajrama is suffering from several diseases, as well as from the effects of spinal surgeries that cause her unable to move from time to time.
"Until her release, the Egyptian authorities is obligatory to provide health care for her and ensure her right to an immediate access to a lawyer," the organization added.
Egypt ranked as the third worst jailer of journalists in the world in 2021, behind China and Myanmar, according to a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Issued by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
November 4, 2022