The newspaper’s editor-in-chief, Wael Sharaha, has been threatened with liquidation and verbally assaulted by the Ministry of Health’s undersecretary for the therapeutic medicine sector in Yemen’s militia-held capital, Sanaa, reports Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS).
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Houthi militia has abducted a journalist’s father after breaking into his home in the coastal province of Hodeidah, west of the country.
In an attempt to intimidate and silence voices demanding salaries and financial rights, Houthi-controlled Public Funds Prosecution has summoned 14 employees of al-Thawra Foundation for Printing and Publishing for questioning on charges of inciting and rioting within the institution, reports
Houthi militia and forces loyal to deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh have forcibly displaced residents of al-Manabeha village in Qayfa district to the north of the central province of al-Bayda, local residents said on Monday.
A number of Houthi gunmen on Sunday stormed an all-girls school in Yemen’s militia-held capital, Sana'a and committed physical and indecent assault on students and teachers after they refused to chant the Houthi group’s well-known anti-American-and-Jewish slogan, eyewitnesses said.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses its strong condemnation of today’s death sentence against the journalist, Yahya Abdel Raqib al-Jubaihi.
News Yemen - A court under the authority of the militias of Houthis and ousted president Ali Saleh in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, today sentenced a journalist to death eight months after he had been abducted on trumped-up and falsified charges, including communicating with countries described as "hostile”, sources close to the family’s journalist Abdel Raqib al-Jubaihi was quoted as saying.
Members of what is known as the security belt at al-Inshaat camp in Aden have arrested and tortured a student from Taiz province on suspicion of alleged involvement in security crimes, reported local sources.
Gunmen have threatened Sana’a TV’s correspondent, Ahlam al-Askari, and the channel’s accompanying crew while filming a television program in an area under the control of the resistance, reported Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS).
Women Journalists Without Chains(WJWC) is following with great concerned psychological and physical torture against journalists being held captive in private jails in the militia-held capital Sana'a since they have been abducted in 2015.
The Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) has demanded the coup’s militias of Houthis and ousted president Ali Saleh to take the journalist Tawfiq al-Mansouri to hospital after his health deteriorated due to the torture by the militias since his abduction in June 2015.
The militias of Houthis and ousted president Ali Saleh have kidnapped a person whose brother is working for the Istanbul-based channel of Belqees TV Wadi’a Atta.
Dozens of mothers and female relatives of abductees in Ibb province, on Thursday, held a protest against the abduction of dozens of the province’s residents by the Houthi militia and forces loyal to the deposed president Ali Saleh.