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WJWC records 115 attacks and hostile acts against journalists in first half of 2017

A total of 115 attacks and other hostile acts were committed against journalists in the first half of 2017 simply for doing their jobs, according to the semi-annual report compiled by Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC), the pro-journalist non-governmental organization in Yemen.

WJWC records 115 attacks and hostile acts against journalists in first half of 2017

WJWC calls for international committee to investigate human rights violations in Aden and Hadhramaut (2)

Women Journalists Without Chains called on the United Nations to create an international commission of inquiry into serious human rights violations committed in Aden and Hadhramaut by military and security forces of the United Arab Emirates, expose the perpetrators of these violations and bring them to justice.

WJWC calls for international committee to investigate human rights violations in Aden and Hadhramaut (2)

WJWC calls for international committee to investigate human rights violations in Aden and Hadhramaut

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses its deep concern over human rights violations committed in the Yemeni provinces of Aden and Hadhramaut, where dozens of people, including children, have been arbitrarily detained, forcibly disappeared, tortured, and abused in secret network of prisons run by the United Arab Emirates and Yemeni proxy forces.

Yemeni pro-government media workers go on strike after six months of nonpayment

Employees at the media institutions of Yemen’s exiled government in Riyad have recently announced their intention to be on an open strike starting June 20 after they have not been paid for five months.

Yemeni pro-government media workers go on strike after six months of nonpayment

Belqees condemns incitement against staff members in Aden

Yemeni Belqees TV has has strongly condemned in a statement the incitement against its staff members in Aden, the interim capital Yemen, accusing certain parties in the city of being behind the assault.

Belqees condemns incitement against staff members in Aden

Yemen Youth TV correspondent injured while covering battles in Taiz

Yemen Youth TV correspondent, Abdul Aziz al-Dubhani, was subjected to shrapnel wounds on Wednesday while covering clashes between government forces and the Houthi militia backed by forces loyal to ousted president Ali Saleh in the east of Taiz.

Yemen Youth TV correspondent injured while covering battles in Taiz

Two children killed by Houthi militant, another tortured to death by relative

Two children were shot dead by a Houthi militant at a militia-controlled checkpoint in Hubaish district to the north of Ibb city, while another child was tortured to death by her relative in Jiblah district to the south of the city, said a local source.

Two children killed by Houthi militant, another tortured to death by relative

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate condemns arrest of journalist at security checkpoint in Marib

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) has condemned the detention of the journalist Nabil al-Sa’fani at a security point in Marib located in the east of Yemen.

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate condemns arrest of journalist at security checkpoint in Marib

WJWC condemns Houthi militia for targeting group of Journalists in Taiz

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns in the strongest possible terms the crime the Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Saleh committed today when they fired a mortar shell at a gathering of journalists while covering battles in areas to the east of Taiz province, resulting in the killing of photojournalists Wael al-Absi and Taqi al-Din al-Huthaifi and the media activist Sa’ad al-Nidhari, the amputation of the leg of Walid al-Qadasi and the injury of Salah al-Din al-Wahbani; all of them have been working for local media.

WJWC condemns Houthi militia for targeting group of Journalists in Taiz

Three journalists killed and two others injured in Taiz

Three journalists were killed and two others were injured this morning after being targeted by a mortar shell fired by the Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted President Ali Saleh while covering the battles near Tashrifat camp to the east of the city of Taiz.

Three journalists killed and two others injured in Taiz

WJWC condemns threats and accusations against journalist Hanan Nasser

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the threats of death and slaughter and accusations of infidelity and atheism against the female journalist Hanan Nasser by an unknown person who set a deadline for her repentance because she has been following up the cause of the assassinated activist Amjad Mohammed Abdulrahman who was accused of atheism.

WJWC condemns threats and accusations against journalist Hanan Nasser

WJWC congratulates Zoui on Arab Journalism Prize

Women Journalists without Chains has congratulated the journalist Muheeb Zoui on his win of Najiba Al Hamrouni Prize for Arab Journalism for his article published last year entitled "Yemeni women in the Face of Centralism".

WJWC congratulates Zoui on Arab Journalism Prize

Journalists released after being tortured and charged with atheism in Aden

The so-called security belt in Yemen’s interim capital, Aden, today released the journalist Hani al-Junaid, who- along with two others- was arrested on Tuesday.

Journalists released after being tortured and charged with atheism in Aden