
WJWC Calls for Press Freedom in Egypt Following the Release of Al-Jazeera Mubasher Journalist

WJWC Calls for Press Freedom in Egypt Following the Release of Al-Jazeera Mubasher Journalist

In a notable step, the Egyptian government has granted freedom to Hisham Abdel Aziz, a prominent journalist affiliated with Al-Jazeera Mubasher, much to the elation of Women Journalists Without Chains. While expressing their delight over this decision, the organization also urges the authorities to demonstrate a commitment to press freedom by releasing all other journalists who have been detained.

"It's a relief that Hisham has finally been released after enduring almost four years of imprisonment for his journalistic work. However, it's crucial to note that his arrest was unjustified from the outset."

Hisham Abdel Aziz was taken into custody in June 2019 during a family visit to Egypt. Last January, an Egyptian court extended his detention for 45 days, prolonging his imprisonment to over three and a half years.

As per the findings of the Monitoring Unit of Women Journalists Without Chains, over 100 journalists have faced various forms of violations, out of which nearly 20 were Egyptian journalists. These violations ranged from arrests and assaults to torture, wrongful termination of employment, and other forms of ill-treatment.

Consequently, Women Journalists Without Chains urges the Egyptian authorities to take the following actions:
-  Immediately cease all violations against Egyptian journalists, beginning with the release of all male and female journalists currently in detention.
-  Address the restrictive laws that hinder the work of journalists and curtail freedom of information.
-  Put an end to the government's influence over public media and allow for unrestricted coverage of issues that are relevant to society and its people.

Issued by:  
Women Journalists Without Chains  
May 2, 2023

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