Friday, the "Women Journalists Without Chains" organization urged the Algerian authorities to refrain from prosecuting journalists and passing politicized sentences against them.
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At a time when the Pope's intention to visit Bahrain is announced from November 3 to 6, the situation of human rights and freedom of opinion and expression in this Gulf monarchy goes from bad to worse despite tolerance and religious freedom claimed by the authorities there.
The UAE seemingly uses terms like tolerance and happiness as a cover to hide major violations of freedom of opinion and expression, as it is still holding scores of detainees even after the completion of their sentences for reasons related to their natural right to freedom of opinion and expression.
The Women Journalists Without Chains has called on the UAE to stop the crackdown on public freedoms, release prisoners of conscience, abolish the new Penal Code, the Cybercrime Law, and all laws that conflict with international standards, and with Article 30 of the UAE Constitution, whereby freedom of opinion and expressing it verbally or in writing or by other means shall be guaranteed within the limits of the law.
The branch head of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate in Aden, Mahmoud Thabet, is subjected to a campaign of incitement and defamation with the aim of undermining his life and exposing him to serious threat after news websites and social media pages have recently shared accusations of his alleged communication with external parties, loyalty to the Houthi militia and work for parties harming the interests of journalists.
On 11 October 2022, the Somali authorities arrested the Secretary General of Somali Journalists Syndicates (SJS) Abdalle Ahmed Mumin at Aden Adde International Airport in the capital Mogadishu.
The WJWC has strongly condemned the arrest of the Secretary General of the Somali Journalists Syndicate, and demanded the Somali authorities for the immediate release of the detained journalists, including the Syndicate's Secretary General, Abdalle Ahmed Mumin.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) renews its strong condemnation and denunciation of the separatist Southern Transitional Council’s militia for such dangerous practices against journalists, professional and union leaders and media institutions in Aden.
At a time when Saudi Arabia invites its citizens and world tourists to the Riyadh season 2022, thousands of men and women are languishing in its jails for political reasons,
Iraqi journalists and activists exercising their right to freedom of expression suffer a number of violations and abuses in different parts of the country, Iraqi journalists and media workers are subject to varied violations, including abductions, enforced disappearances and physical assaults, in addition to preventing arbitrarily from covering activities or events taking place in some provinces, as in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) expresses its solidarity with the detained journalists Sarteeb Weisi Qashqai and Ibrahim Ali, and wishes them to be safe, and considers their arrest a violation of press freedom and the right of expression guaranteed by the Iraqi constitution that even obligates the authorities to protect this right.
A year and a half after his arrest, the Cairo Criminal Court has renewed the detention of journalist Tawfiq Ghanem on Monday, October 10, for 45 days, according to the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms.
In a move that only underlines the Algerian authorities' continued prosecution and imprisonment of journalists on vague charges, the Algiers Judicial Council has postponed the appeal trial of journalist Ihsan El Kadi to next November 20.