Women Journalists Without Chains concludes course on "preparing proposals"
Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has concluded a three-day course in preparing and drafting proposals. The participants were taught on concepts connecting to the proposals of projects.
They were also trained on the steps of writing proposals and mechanisms of applying for donors' grants. Additionally, they learnt about the basics of writing "final reports".
Elham al-Hudabi, the training and qualification officer of WJWC said that the aim of the course was to give participants basic skills in writing proposals for any projects and turning ideas and visions into constructive projects on the ground through coordinating with specialized organizations.
Sahar al-Atwani, a trainee, said that she learnt from this course the basics of preparing proposals, urging the organization to continue in holding such courses for longer times to have more details on writing proposals.
Ghamdan al-Aqroodh, a participants said that the course is the first step to know more about writing proposals.
Reem al-Saqaf, said the course would spur her and other youth to take part in serving the nation and invest constructive ideas on the ground.