Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) along with the Freedom Foundation for Rights Freedoms and Media Development has stood in solidarity with three Aljazeera journalists who were sentenced from 7-10 years in prison by an Egyptian court. The journalists are Mohamed Fahmy, Baher Mohamed and Peter Greste.
Chairwoman of WJWC and the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawkol Karman said that the journalists of Aljazeera are paying the price of their alignment to freedom of expression and journalism, pointing out the international condemnation against unfair judgments issued against Aljazeera journalists is a cut-clear evidence that the journalists are paying the price of their professional and moral commitment and that the fascist coup in Egypt will face an international isolation due to its violations committed against freedom of expression.
For his part, Chairman of the Freedom Foundation Khaled al-Hamdi said that the solidarity protest with the English-speaking Aljazeera channel is a duty, demanding to swiftly release the journalists held since December 23, 2013.
Al-Hamadi affirmed that these judgments are considered repressions against press freedom and restrictions against media outlets, indicating these actions contradict international laws on media freedom.
This protest came as a part of a program adopted by the Freedom Foundation aiming to support freedom of expression and media freedoms.
The program also aims to adopt internal and external campaigns to stand by those journalists and media professionals who are subjected to violations.