Women journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has concluded the second stage of its training program on "media professional skills". The program was entitled "media coverage".
The course lasted three days in which important topics such as media coverage, news stories and its basics, press investigation and interviews were raised and discussed.
Abdul-Hakeem Hilal, an outstanding Yemeni journalist, along with media practitioners and activists trained the participants on different media fields.
The coordinator of the course Elham al-Hudabi said that this course aimed to qualify and improve the abilities of the participants on media and honing their skills.
A journalist, Mohammed Abdul-Malik, said that the participants hoped for long to have such courses thanking WJWC to grant them this opportunity to learn a lot of things about journalism and media.
"Actually, we learned a great deal of information on news stories, journalistic investigations, interviews and ethics of the journalism" he added.
Hafeza al-Sa'adi, a participant, affirmed that she took advantages from this course, pointing out that she was trained on the basics of media coverage and reporting.
Mohammed al-Saba'ae, a trainee, said that the most important thing he learnt in this course is the forms of media coverage and press edition.