WJWC statement to mark anniversary of World Human Rights Day

The anniversary of the World Human Rights Day marking the 10th December of each year, in which the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris in 1948, falls today at a time when Yemen is living a tragic humanitarian situation as a result of the coup led by Houthi-Saleh militias against the legitimate authority.
The militias ignited fierce battles, which have been raging so far over Yemen’s areas, causing tens of thousands of casualties while hundreds of thousands have been displaced, thousands have been arrested, residential neighborhoods have been hit, houses have been blown up and cities have been besieged.
Having expressed its deep concern over the continuing human rights violations in Yemen, Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) calls on all parties to spare civilians the scourge of war and respect international laws and conventions during conflicts.
WJWC renews demand for the release of political detainees, journalists and all those imprisoned by the militias as well as clarifying the fate of the disappeared.
The organization reminds that 10 journalists have been detained for two years in the Political Security prison in Sana'a, where they have been suffering from very serious health conditions due to physical and psychological torture and because they are prevented from contacting their relatives and receiving treatment, which puts their lives at risks. In this regard, Women Journalists Without Chains urges international, regional and local humanitarian organizations, especially the United Nations, to carry out their duty to protect human rights and put pressure on the militias to release the detainees.
While WJWC is working on monitoring and documenting human rights violations, it calls on local organizations to work hard to highlight human rights issues and convey their voice to different international organizations.
The Organization emphasizes the need to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice so as not to escape punishment as such crimes should never be time-barred.
Issued by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
December 10, 2016