WJWC condemns brutal torture of detainees and denial of treatment

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) notes with deep concern the deteriorating health of the journalist Abdul Khaliq Imran who has been detained for nearly two years at the political security prison where he is suffering from severe pains in spine and back due to torture against him and his fellow detainees by the militias.
The organization received a press release from the journalist's family stating that Abdul Khaliq Imran “is suffering from severe pains in back and spine, and his health continues to deteriorate while Houthis reject to provide anything to help him recover from the bad condition he has suffered as a result of torture in detention by militias”.
Regarding it as a crime against humanity, WJWC condemns in the strongest terms the systematic torture of arrested journalists who are subjected to different forms of physical and psychological abuses in prisons of militias, where they are lacking in the most basic health services and proper nourishment.
Women Journalists Without Chains renews calls for the immediate release of detained journalists, holding the militias of Houthi and ousted president fully responsible for torture and its implications and for the health and life safety of all journalists detained in their jails.
Issued by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
November 27, 2016