Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the storming into Alsaeeda TV by militias of the Houthis and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and detaining three of its staff.
The militias detained Alsaeeda TV's Director General Mukhtar al-Qadasi, the production manager Hussein al-Sharafi and the administrative affairs manager Adel al-Awar, and confiscated the TV's equipment.
WJWC expresses its strong disapproval of the continuing violations committed by militias of the Houthis and Saleh against media outlets, closing down, looting a number of TV channels since they took over the capital Sana'a on September 21,2014, and the detention of many opposing journalists.
WJWC demands to immediately release the detainees, holding the Houthi militias fully responsible for their safety.
It further calls all concerned organizations to denounce these gross violations committed against journalists and media practitioners and put an end to these acts which target freedoms of expression.
Issued by: WJWC