WJWC condemns militia’s mass arrest campaign against al-Haqab

Women Journalists Without Chains has condemned the Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh for mass arrest campaign against civil activists and opposition figures taken place on Saturday in the village of al-Haqab located in Damt district, in the province of Dalea.
The organization also deplores the militia’s continuous barbaric and aggressive approach against citizens who are put in detention centers, while thousands of detainees in prisons are still being tortured until this moment.
In a related context, WJWC notes that 57 cases of deaths of detainees, including 26 cases tortured to death, have been documented by both local and international organizations inside jails run by the Iran-backed Houthi militia and pro-Saleh forces.
Holding the militia responsible for those serious violations against civilians, Women Journalists Without Chains believes that what happened to prisoners, who in part were tortured to death, is considered as a crime against humanity, and that there is no statute of limitations on such crimes whose perpetrators will never go unpunished.
While demanding immediate release of all political prisoners and journalists, the organization also calls upon all local and international organizations, especially the United Nations, to shoulder legal and moral responsibility by taking necessary actions against crimes of torture taken place in the militia’s jails in accordance with the agreements and treaties against torture and other inhumane practices.
Finally, WJWC urges the same organizations to condemn such crimes against detainees, exert pressure on the militia to stop almost daily arrest campaigns and demand the quick release of prisoners.
Issued by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
October 23, 2016