Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has staged its 21st sit-inprotest to violations committed against expression freedoms in which the participants expressed solidarity with detained activists, politicians and journalists. Among the detainees are Fahad al-Qarni, Mohammed al-Maqaleh and Abdul-Kareem al-Khaywani. The images of the detainees were raised at what is called the Freedom Square.
The former chief of the Yemeni Journalist Syndicate Abdul-Bari Tahir said that the authorities crack down freedomsof expression and that left the doors open for problems in Yemen". Member of Parliament Muhsin Basurah said that we face an unconstitutional situation an undeclared emergency.
For his part, the executive director of Hood Organization Khalid al-Anisi slammed the leaders of the Jointing Meeting Parties because they have not taken part in the sit-ins arranged by WJWC, calling them to go out their closed rooms which helabeled them as rooms of conspiracies. He called them to arrange sit-ins in the Freedom Square.
" The leaders of the Joint Meeting Parties should arrange sit-ins at streets in order to be the first persons who are taken into custodies" al-Anisi added.
In a speech delivered in a sit-in arranged by WJWC, al-Anisi said that the authorities use the justice system to retaliate against their political foes, referring that journalists, activists and artists are imprisoned while criminals and culprits are outside prisons.