

WJWC holds panel discussion on "US electoral system"

WJWC holds panel discussion on "US electoral system"

The US cultural and media attaché in Yemen Ryan Gliha has said that the US internal elections inside the Republican and Democratic parties clearly show the nature of the US political system to elect president, referring to the increasing competitiveness among the Democrats.

Gliha said, in a panel discussion arranged by WJWC on Wednesday on the US electoral system, that the elections are held every four years and begins with tours inside the party.
He spelt out that the election process begins with the primary elections and caucuses and moves to nominating conventions, during which political parties each select a nominee to unite behind
He pointed out that there is something that distinguishes the current elections, which will occur in November of this year, from the previous elections held in 2004 . "The primaries began within the parties in 22 states, but in 2004 , they started in only two states." He explained.
Replying to an intervention raised by the advocate Khalid al-Anisi regarding the relationship between the Yemeni and US elections regarding the rule succession, Gliha said that there are other standers which the US people reconsider them, stressing that Bush was not elected because his father was president.
With regard to the terms of presidential candidate, he said that there are very simple conditions, referring that the candidate must be American and must be at least 35 years old.
He spelt out how to choose nominees in American history, explaining that the existing parties are not as they were in the era of the first US President George Washington, reiterating that a lot of changes were made. In the fifties, TV played a large role in the presidential election process as the level of transparency increased.
He said that candidates got money from people's donations and the media consider donations an indication to the popularity of the candidate, pointing out that Hilary Clinton gained $100 million according to what was published in websites.
The laws require every candidate to record every dollar donated by people and the government monitor the process of supporting and expending, pointing out that is difficult to predict who will win.
It is worth reclaiming that directors of different sections of the Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum (SCER), representatives of political parties, journalists and concerned researchers of election affairs took part in the panel discussion and raised a number of questions and interventions.


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