WJWC holds militias responsible for abducted journalists’ safety
Women Journalists Without Chains(WJWC) is following with great concerned psychological and physical torture against journalists being held captive in private jails in the militia-held capital Sana'a since they have been abducted in 2015.
WJWC has received new information that the health condition of journalist, Tawfiq al-Mansouri, who has been kidnapped and imprisoned in the political security prison in Sana'a, has severely deteriorated, and that he is suffering heart disease, benign prostatic hyperplasia and shortness of breath.
While demanding immediate transfer of al-Mansouri to hospital for treatment, the organization holds also the militias of Houthis and Saleh fully responsible for the safety of the journalist and other colleagues being imprisoned by the putschists.
Women Journalists Without Chains calls on civil and human rights organization to put pressure on Houthis and ousted president to release the kidnapped journalists.
Issued by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
April 1, 2017