Journalist Khalifa Al-Qasimi's Health Plummets Under Tunisian Authorities' Grip
Khalifa Al-Qasimi, a Tunisian journalist held in detention since September 3, 2023, is currently experiencing a decline in his health attributed to the ongoing denial of essential medical treatment by Tunisian authorities.
This sustained refusal represents a notable infringement upon both domestic legal standards and international agreements.
The organization "Women Journalists Without Chains" firmly asserts the Tunisian authorities' responsibility for the welfare of Khalifa Al-Qasimi, underscoring that the deliberate hindrance of his access to proper medical treatment amounts to a deplorable act of torture and degrading treatment. This condemnable position serves to accentuate the distressing pattern of treatment experienced by journalists and media professionals under the Tunisian regime.
On May 16, 2023, journalist Khalifa Al-Qasimi received a five-year prison sentence for his steadfast refusal to disclose his sources. This decision was made in connection with his journalistic investigation into a terrorism-related case, marking the most severe punishment imposed on journalists within the Tunisian judiciary in decades.
During a press conference convened on December 10 to commemorate International Human Rights Day, Al-Qasimi's wife conveyed, "Khalifa is a journalist in the truest sense of the word. He diligently performed his duties in accordance with the principles and standards of journalistic work. Consequently, his rightful place is not within the confines of a prison but with his family and at his workplace.
Women Journalists Without Chains has issued a call to international organizations dedicated to the protection of freedom of expression, urging them to exert pressure on Tunisian authorities. The aim is to secure the release of Khalifa Al-Qasimi and other detained journalists, dismiss the judicial verdicts imposed on them, and promote an environment of enhanced freedom of expression within the country.
Additionally, the organization appealed for the dismissal of charges against Tunisian journalists and activists in light of their exercise of the fundamental right to freedom of expression. The call extends to putting an end to all prosecutions that impede their mobility and journalistic endeavors.
Released by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
December 29