Militiamen of Houthis and ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh on Sunday stormed Al Jazeera’s closed bureau in Yemen’s rebel-held capital, Sana’a, for the second time since the Iran-backed Houthi militia and forces loyal to Saleh broke into it in March 2015 following the takeover of the legitimate authority.
In a statement posted on his Facebook account, the head of the Doha-based TV-channel’s office in Yemen Saeed Thabit said Houthis stormed again Al Jazeera’s Sana’a-based closed bureau and looted what has been left of furniture, desks and TV screens, and took them on board of transportation trucks to an association called Ansar Ali bi Abi Talib.
The storming of the channel’s office came only few hours after the Doha-based TV broadcasted a documentary film revealing facts about the looting of weapons from camps by the Houthi group and its close ally ousted president after the invasion of Sana’a in September 2014.
The film titled “looted weapons” the places in Yemen where Houthis and Saleh concealed heavy weapons as well as quantities and types of arms they are using and how they smuggle and develop them.
The film also included testimonies of high-ranked officers in the Yemeni army, national experts and specialists who spoke in this regard as well as leaked calls between top leaders in the coup’s alliance in addition to documents and videos showing the looting and smuggling of weapons.
On March 26 of last year, Houthi fighters kidnapped an Al Jazeera broadcast engineer and a security guard in Sanaa after breaking into the office and tampered with its contents and smashed surveillance cameras.